Our church purpose is to: love God (Matthew 22:37), love others Matthew 22:39, and make disciples Matthew 28:19, in accordance with ‘the greatest commandments’ and ‘great commission’ that Jesus Christ has given us.


  • LOVE

    By the example of God’s love for us, we seek to love both God and others with everything we have, so that love may become our defining feature.

    (Matthew 22:37, John 13:34-35, 1 Corinthians 13:7-8)


    The diversity and uniqueness of each, bound to one another by unity and peace, creates the fullness of the body of Christ.

    (John 17:23)


    Through Jesus Christ we are liberated from sin, to experience the freedom of the blessed life.

    (2 Corinthians 3:17, Galatians 5:1)


    Mindful of our utter dependence on Jesus Christ, we retain a sober-minded view of ourselves, that prompts us to live sacrificially in obedience to God, for the welfare of others.

    (1 John 3:16, Phillipians 2:3)