Check out some of the ways you can get involved and and be part of the whānau.


  • Connect groups.

    We need one another, so let’s do life together!

  • Kids + youth.

    Our children and youth need to find a church home as much as us parents do! We are confident your children will find their place in one of our rōpū tamariki.

  • Serve.

    Let’s build together! We would love you to join a team and be part of manaakitanga, helping out and looking after each other, at Te Kāinga C3.

  • Arataki Community Meal.

    A free community meal every Tuesday evening at 6.00pm — a great way of bringing the community together.

  • Kapa Haka.

    Ministering the gospel through kapa haka.

  • Young Adults

    We have an awesome community of young adults who meet regularly.

Daughters Retreat Day

Saturday 9th September, 9:30am - 3:30pm

The Sanctuary, 159 Durham Street

Daughters Retreat is a day where wāhine of all ages and stages can come together and spend time out with God and each other. The theme is Cultivating the Secret Place.

Krystee Craig will be our guest to host the day, and her heart is to facilitate a day for us to find or ‘re-find’ our secret place with the Father with some teaching, ministry, worship and practical worship time… and some good food and company!

‘We ask for God to send revival, but revival starts in the hearts of His people’